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white leather中文是什么意思

用"white leather"造句"white leather"怎么读"white leather" in a sentence"white leather"的同义词


  • 白革,矾鞣革。


  • Determination of the resistance of white leathers to exposure to ultra - violet light
  • When he had lain there some time , he was told to get up , and a white leather apron such as the others wore was put round him , and a spade and three pairs of gloves were put in his hands ; then the grand master addressed him
  • This short man was wearing a white leather apron , that covered his chest and part of his legs ; upon his neck could be seen something like a necklace , and a high white ruffle stood up from under the necklace , framing his long face , on which the light fell from below
用"white leather"造句  


  • a leather that has been treated with alum and/or salt
    同义词:whit leather,

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